Monday 15 February 2016

46 / 16 My Monologues & Musings : (Mk 7:14-23)”.... it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come…” Mk (7 :21)

46 / 16 My Monologues & Musings :  ”.... it is from within,  from the human heart, that evil intentions come…” (Mk 7 :21)

Dear Jesus,
You are quite right!
Every evil action which I have committed has its beginning in my heart and in my mind.
Instead of being aware of the presence of evil thoughts and desires in my mind and in my heart and trying to nip them in the bud, I have been nurturing and nourishing them in my heart and in my mind.

Dear Jesus,
Knowingly or unknowongly i have been fondling and fostering the tendency to do evil.
And then these thoughts and desires go into action in full vigour.
Finally I end up committing the very evil I detest to see in myself and in others!
This is the script I usually I follow in my day to day life, Right, Lord?
You know it, Don't You, Jesus?

Yes, Dear Jesus,
Yes, there is within me a part which is inclined to evil thoughts and desires!
I guess it is there in human nature.
But you want me to keep it under control if not eliminate it totally.
Dear Jesus,
As i look back at my life, there have been many times when the inclination for evil has had upper hand over me and has controlled my life and kept on committing sins and evil of every sort.
Dear Jesus,
But the same time what is encouraging and what gives me hope to go on is the divine  element with me and within me which is instilled in me as the Image and the Likeness of God.

Yes, Dear Jesus,
It is a struggle:
a lifelong struggle indeed!
It is a struggle:
an ongoing struggle between the elements of Good and Evil.
How I wish!
There was no such struggle against evil.
How I wish!
It was all angelic and easy without any struggle against evil!
But that is not what human life is meant to be, Right, Lord?
Ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve we humans had to fight the tendency to do evil.

Dear Jesus,
I know far too well how strong the tendency to do evil!
Ad You know how often I have yielded to the temptations doing what is evil in your sight.
Irrespective of my repeated failures,
I shall neither get disappointed nor
shall I give up the spirit to fight the evil.

Dear Jesus,
I know for certain that you haven't  given up on me, Have You?
I know you keep telling me the same what you told your Apostle Paul,
“My grace is sufficient for Thee.”

Dear Jesus,
May I constantly experience Your Grace and  your Strengthening Support in my fight against the tendency to do what is evil in your sight.

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
I thank You,
I thank the Father,
I thank the Spirit,
For Your Unsolicited gift of life for me!
For Your Uncountable blessings for me!
For Your Unlimited Patience with me!
For Your Untold Forgiveness for me!
For Your Unflinching faith in me!
For Your Unfailing Hope in me!
For Your Unconditional Love of me!
Monday 15th February, 2016

These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are a sort devotional musings and monologues mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my journaling of the Prodigal Priest in me as I struggle to return to the Home of our Heavenly Father. I do place these Reflections in public as part of a therapeutic and holistic healing. As I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours. Thank you!

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