Wednesday 25 November 2015

110 My Monologues & Musings : International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

110 My Monologues & Musings : International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women

Oh, God my Loving  Creator,
Thank you for gifting Eve to Adam and thus making them the male and the female.You wanted them to be complementary companions and partners in life,right?
They were ordained to be wedded together as man and wife and to become the first couple and the first parents.
Though man and woman were created as Your equal image and likeness, in course of time they and their progeny tend to become unequalsin genders. They continue to be so.
The women and girls often end up to be less equals.
Due to various factors like:
The women and girls are being: marginalized socially,
maltreated physically,
exploited economically,
misused emotionally and,
abused sexually.
Most of the time, it is, we, the men who are the perpetrators.!
Oh, God, our Creator, You must be saddened by these happening, Aren't you? And You want us, the perpetrators, to put a stop to it!I
I hope and pray that better sense prevail on us, the men who engage in violence against girls and women!

Oh, God my Loving Creator,
Thank you for the gift of my mother who is the first female in my life.
Though we are together only for forty one days, due to her untimely death, we were and were closest as mother and son!

Thank you, my God, for the gift of my grandmothers especially my maternal grandmother who looked after me with her tender, loving and enduring care.

Thank you, my God, for my sister, my aunts, my female cousins, and nieces who have given me and continue to give me much love and attention.

Thank you, my God, for the religious sisters and for the female teachers who taught me in religion classes, in schools, and colleges.

Thank you, my God, for my female classmates, friends, and colleagues whose feminine love and care have helped in my emotional growth.

Oh, my Loving Creator,
I am sorry for the many times i have offended many females in my life either in thought or in word or in deed.
I have hurt them and treated them with selfish motives, with uncaring ways, and with disrespectful attitudes.
I have looked down upon them as less of  equals and more of as objects to further my selfish desires and ambition.
I am sorry!
I ask pardon from you as well from them!
Bless them..continue to bless them, Lord!

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
You did love, respect, and care for the women and girls.
You never ever turned down any requests from all those women and girls.
Your first appearance after your Resurrection was to a female, right?
From your Mother to Mary Magdalene,
From the sinful woman to the twelve year old girl,
From Martha to Mary,
From the mother-in-law of Peter to the Syro-Phoenician woman,
You loved them and served everyone of them with tender compassion!
Can't we men, at least, make an earnest effort to eliminate all sorts of violence against girls and women!

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Ever since Eve offered that apple to her man, unfortunately, women are often pictured and painted as the cause of a whole lot of problems in families and communities.
They are disproportionately accused of being temptresses and seducers, witches and whores.
These exaggerated attitudes have encouraged violence against them.

The Women and Girls have often been:
Victims of Violence as Female Foetus,
Victims of Physical Violence,
Victims of Verbal Violence,
Victims of Emotional Violence,
Victims of Mental Violence,
Victims of Intellectual Violence,
Victims of Sexual Violence,
Victims of Domestic Violence,
Victims of Violence in the Schools,
Victims of Violence on the Streets,
Victims of Violence at Workplace,
Victims of Violence Worship Places.
There was a time when we men held that the Women and Girls have no souls!
There was a time they had no right to vote!
We are sorry , deeply sorry for all the violence against Girls and Women.

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
May we men, we your brothers, be inspired by your example and treat every girl and each woman:
With love and respect,
With care and compassion,  
With dignity and honour!

Mary, Our Blessed Mother, do keep on guarding and guiding, caring and loving every girl and woman.

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for every significant female in my life starting with the first female in my life, my  mother,
I am deeply sorry for hurting the girls and women in many and manifold ways!
Lord, keep blessing everyone of them!
Wednesday, 25th  November,  2015
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

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