Wednesday 2 December 2015

114 My Monologues & Musings : International Day for the Remembrance of Slave Trade and its Abolition

114 My Monologues & Musings : International Day for the Remembrance of Slave Trade and its Abolition.

Oh, God our Loving Creator,
You did create us your children in your Image and Likeness.
You did create us equals.
Yet in course of time,
We, Humans, began to dominate each other.
We, Humans, began to subjugate each other.
We, Humans, began to exploit each other other.
Thus we made ourselves unequals.

Oh, God, Our Loving Creator,  
We, Humans, have got ourselves involved in exploiting each other in every conceivable way.
We, Humans, have exploited and we keep on exploiting each other on the basis of gender, mostly the male gender dominating
the female.
We, Humans, have exploited our fellow humans who are of a different race.
Oh, God, Our Loving Creator,
We, Humans, have bought and sold them as Slaves.
We, Humans, have indulged in economic Slavery of the financially weaker section.
In my own country we have engaged in bonded labour, 
a heinous type of Slavery where the poor who are unable to pay back their debt are forced to work lasting for generations!
We, Humans, have enslaved children forcing them into Child Labour.

Oh, God, Our Loving Creator,
We, Humans, have been perpetrating Slavery in its various heinous versions based on Race, Caste, Color, Creed, Poverty, and Sex.

Oh, God, Our Loving Creator,
We, Humans have had our ingenious ways and means to quote the Sacred Scriptures in justifying the savage Slave Trade in all its ugly forms.

Oh, God, Our Loving Creator,  
Though we have officially abolished tge evil peace of Slavery and Apartheid, we humans continue to fondle the thoughts of them and practise them in many subtle ways.
You do know it, Don't You?

Oh, my  Loving Creator, 
Looking into my own life, though I haven't indulged in slavery in the literal sense, I have had belittling and dehumanizing thoughts about my fellow humans. I have looked down upon them in my thoughts.
Oh, God, my Loving Creator,  
I am ashamed of entertaining those thoughts.
I am sorry for those vicious thoughts!
I am deeply sorry!
How I wish to think of my fellow humans as your children and my sisters and brothers!
I want to keep struggling to have my wish become an everyday reality in my thoughts, in my words, and in my deeds!

Oh, God, my Loving Creator ,
Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for your:
Unsolicited gift of life for me! 
Uncountable blessings for me! 
Unlimited Patience with me!
Untold Forgiveness for me!
Unflinching faith in me!
Unfailing Hope in me!
Unconditional Love of me!
Wednesday,  2nd December 2015
International Day for the Remembrance of Slave Trade and its Abolition

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