Thursday 29 October 2015

97 My Monologues & Musings : International Internet Day

97 My Monologues & Musings : International Internet Day

Oh, God of all knowledge, wisdom, communication!
Thank you for sharing and communicating your love for us your children. When you created us you also gifted us :
with an intellect to be creative,
with a will to make decisions, and
with the wisdom to discern.
Your children used these faculties and  made massive strides in developing the existing situations and surroundings, in discovering new paths to progress, and in making new inventions in all spheres of life.
Ever since your children invented tools and wheels they began to make their easier and better productive. They still continue to progress in the path of new inventions.
The monumental invention of Internet has had an hitherto immense impact on our world of communication on an Information Highway which is seemingly endless.
Oh, God our Creator,
Bless all those hard working humans who were behind every new agro-industrial, technical, scientific, medical, and what not.
Bless their families and loved ones.
Bless those who worked and spent their lives for the invention of Internet and for its  further developments.
Oh, God of Knowledge and Wisdom,
As you know fully well, we your children are tend to misuse or abuse or even refuse  many a gift that are given to us. This very true of the gift Internet.True it has made life much easier in every aspect. The advantages of Internet is unimaginably immense in the field like education, medicine, administration, travel, transportation, agriculture, industries, defense, space research etc. At the same time the abuse of Internet is very wide spread and frighteningly devestating especially among the youth. We, your children misuse it to perpetrate fraudes, crimes, and terrorism.

Oh, Lord our God,
May we your children learn to use Internet in building up human relationships rather than breaking them.
May we your children learn to use Internet to improve the quality of our lives in the field of agriculture, heath, education, industry, science, and technology!
May we your children learn to use Internet to eradicate poverty, to alleviate suffering,  to eliminate illiteracy, to advance medical and scientific progress!
May we your children learn to use Internet to come closer to one another and to you!
Jesus,  My Lord and My God,
Thank you for the blessing of Internet in my life and ministry.
May I use Internet to advance my relationship with my fellow humans and to you!
Gratefully recalling the long and laborious work of all those over your children who made it possible and available the Internet facility.
Thursday,  29th October,  2015
The International Internet Day

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