Tuesday 28 July 2015

59 My Monologues: A Prayer for World Hepatitis Day Prayer.

Dear Jesus, the Great Healer,
Healing the sick was your favorite ministry. You did heal every one of the sick, either woman or man, old or young,  daughter or son, Jew or gentile, who approached you and prayed to be healed.You even healed the sick, when their loved ones who interceded and prayed to you and pleaded with you.
You had great compassion and concern for the sick and you made them healthy.
Today, as the we think of  millions of our fellow sisters and brothers all over the world who are afflicted with Hepatitis,
We bring them before you so that they experience your healing through the medical care, through the emotional, and spiritual support of their loved ones. Bless all the physicians, nurses, and all those medical personnels and their service who continue your healing ministry.
May these medical professionals experience  meaning and fulfillment in their healing ministry.
May the sick find healing and regain their health through the medical services they get.
May the families of the sick especially the families of Hepatitis patients find strength and courage to continue to support their sick.
Dear Jesus, the Great Healer,
We bring before you all those sick who get neither medical care nor family support.
May they find strength and solace through the care and support of their fellow humans.
Jesus, the Great Healer!
Thank you!
Thank for your healing which I have experienced all through my life, especially when I was a very sick baby.
Bless, Lord, all the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnels who have treated me!
Bless Lord, all those of my loved ones who took care of me whenever I was sick!
Bless everyone with a genuinely caring attitude and approach to our fellow humans who are sick
Tuesday, 28th July, 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal Priest's' journaling on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father. You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!

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