Tuesday 7 July 2015

50 My Monologues : The Woman and her Lost Coin (Lk 15)

50 My Monologues : The Woman and her Lost Coin ( Lk 15)

Oh, dear sister,
It must have been a horrible feeling when you found out one of your fondly treasured coins is lost, right? Some of the Bible Pundits think it was one of those Ten Coins you received from your parents as a part of your dowry, is it so?
Some others think it was the  hard earned savings of your husband and you.
The fact is you were sad, sorry, and shattered over the loss of your highly treasured Coin, weren't you?
Oh, dear sister, could you recall and share with me your monologues on what you went through when you realized that one of the Ten Coins is found missing?
"Yes, I do remember the evening when my father brought those coins just a couple of days before my wedding. My parents had been saving up money for years ahead of my wedding. Those coins were beautifully encased and enwrapped by  long, narrow strip of embroidered strings so that I  could wear it as a necklace. It was the pride of every bride to wear such a beautiful piece of jewellery around her neck.

We, women would keep them safe and wear them on special occasions. 
We even would love to flaunt them! 
We would treasure it as the pet piece of our jewellery and eventually would pass them on to our youngest daughter.
We would consider losing them,even one of the coins, as a tragedy with foreboding repercussions for ourselves and for our families for generations to come.
That's why I was frantically searching for the lost coin.
I was worried...
I was feeling guilty...
I was scared of something real bad is about to happen to me
and to family!
It was my fault..
I should have kept them safe..
So I lit the lamp,
Took the broom and
Thoroughly swept the house!
And I was thrilled to find the Lost Coin!
Glad indeed!
And thank God!
The agonizing hours of search!
Hereafter, I shall be very careful"

Thank you, dear sister, for sharing your monologues.
No one would ever know the depth of your anxiety, your guilt, and your fear of the possible misfortunes.
The thought that you would be blamed for every misfortune which might happen in your family must have scared you.
But the fact that you did everything possible to trace your Lost Coin.
You lit your lamp,
You got hold of your broom,
You got on your knees,
You thoroughly swept your home,
And you found your Lost Coin.
Oh, boy,
What a relief!
What a joy!
You had!

With a grateful heart,
You thanked your God.
You praised Him.

Out you went,
Sought you the neighbours,
Told you did,
To your neighbours and relatives.
And shared your joy!
Of finding your Lost Coin!

Oh, dear sister,
Wasn't it a roller-coaster experience:
from anxiety to relief,
from worry to peace,
from sadness to joy!

Oh, dear sister,
Wasn't it,
An experience unforgettable?
An experience inexplicable?
An experience enriching?
I join you to thank the Lord!

Oh, dear sister,
How i wish!
Like you,
To put all my energy to work,
To place all my effort to search,
To retrieve my lost coins,
The lost coin of  my zeal,
The lost coin of my zest,
The lost coin of my commitment, 
The lost coin of my repentance,
The lost coin of forgiving others,
The lost coin of reconciling with others,
The lost coin of helping others,
The lost coin of my humility,
The lost coin of my  joy of living,
And many more coins I lost!

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for narrating the story of your daughter and her Lost Coin.
You have likened God to a Feminine Figure, to a Mother.
It is very courageous of you,
To liken your Father to a Feminine
Figure, to a Mother Figure,
Despite the male dominated Patriarchal God of your Jewish Religion and Culture!
Thank you, Lord!

In a sense,
Like the Good Shepherd,
She is the 
Good Shepherdess
Who goes after the lost and
Who seeks the lost and finds,
Who tells her neighbours and
Invites them to rejoice with her,
Right Lord?
Dear Jesus,  
Innumerable are the Coins
In the form of Blessings and Opportunities you have given me and gifted me with!
Thank you, Jesus, Thank you!
Yet due to my negligence,
I have been losing them often.
I want to search for them quick,
I want look for them frantically
as the woman whom you introduced to us in the parable.

Jesus, My Lord and My God,
I want lit the lamp.
I want to take the broom.
I want sweep every corner
of my life looking for all those
Lost Coins which you had been
Gifting me and giving me all through my life!
Jesus, Lord and My God,
I want spend some time on silence in your presence,
Speak to me, Lord!
Wednesday, 7th July 2015

Dear Reader, 
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. These are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my  personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of the journaling of a 'Prodigal Priest' on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father.
You are welcome to share them with me.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!

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