Thursday, 29 October 2015

97 My Monologues & Musings : International Internet Day

97 My Monologues & Musings : International Internet Day

Oh, God of all knowledge, wisdom, communication!
Thank you for sharing and communicating your love for us your children. When you created us you also gifted us :
with an intellect to be creative,
with a will to make decisions, and
with the wisdom to discern.
Your children used these faculties and  made massive strides in developing the existing situations and surroundings, in discovering new paths to progress, and in making new inventions in all spheres of life.
Ever since your children invented tools and wheels they began to make their easier and better productive. They still continue to progress in the path of new inventions.
The monumental invention of Internet has had an hitherto immense impact on our world of communication on an Information Highway which is seemingly endless.
Oh, God our Creator,
Bless all those hard working humans who were behind every new agro-industrial, technical, scientific, medical, and what not.
Bless their families and loved ones.
Bless those who worked and spent their lives for the invention of Internet and for its  further developments.
Oh, God of Knowledge and Wisdom,
As you know fully well, we your children are tend to misuse or abuse or even refuse  many a gift that are given to us. This very true of the gift Internet.True it has made life much easier in every aspect. The advantages of Internet is unimaginably immense in the field like education, medicine, administration, travel, transportation, agriculture, industries, defense, space research etc. At the same time the abuse of Internet is very wide spread and frighteningly devestating especially among the youth. We, your children misuse it to perpetrate fraudes, crimes, and terrorism.

Oh, Lord our God,
May we your children learn to use Internet in building up human relationships rather than breaking them.
May we your children learn to use Internet to improve the quality of our lives in the field of agriculture, heath, education, industry, science, and technology!
May we your children learn to use Internet to eradicate poverty, to alleviate suffering,  to eliminate illiteracy, to advance medical and scientific progress!
May we your children learn to use Internet to come closer to one another and to you!
Jesus,  My Lord and My God,
Thank you for the blessing of Internet in my life and ministry.
May I use Internet to advance my relationship with my fellow humans and to you!
Gratefully recalling the long and laborious work of all those over your children who made it possible and available the Internet facility.
Thursday,  29th October,  2015
The International Internet Day

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

96 My Monologues & Musings : Apostles Simon : Simon & Jude

 96 My Monologues & Musings :
Apostles: Simon & Jude

Dear Apostles, Simon and Jude,
Today, the 28th October, has been dedicated to your memory and honour. Though very little is known about you, lot of things are written about both of you. Some believe both of you are blood brothers!
Whether you are blood brothers or not it makes little difference for my reflections about you.
But the fact is:
That both of you were disciples of Jesus, your Rabbi and Lord.
But the fact is:
That both of you were trained and were transformed into his apostle.
But the fact is:
That both of you travelled far and wide to preach the Gospel of your Lord and Master.
But the fact is:
That both of you sacrificed your lives as martyrs for your Master.

Dear Apostles Simon,
You were also called Simon the Zealot, right?
This would mean you were one of those of hard core patriotic Jews who hated the Romans occupying your land and ruling over your people.
You were one of those who actively  advocated armed uprising against the mighty Roman Imperial Army in order to drive them out of your land, right?
By advocating armed rebellion, sure,
you were literally following the Mosaic Law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Though you knew you were no match for the well trained mighty Roman army, yet you tried the hit and tactics to harass the Romans.
Dear Apostle, Simon,
At some point of time;
You must heard of Jesus the Rabbi,
You must listened him preach,
You must have been drawn to his magnetic  personality,
You must have been so to say mesmerised by his message, right?
And finally you followed him as you felt irresistible to his person as well as to his message, didn’t you?
Dear Apostle Simon,
I would really be honoured and consider myself fortunate if you could share with me  your musings and about you and your Master,
Won't  you, please!
“Sure, I would be glad to ..
I was born and brought up in a very staunch Jewish family in Cana. We were steeped in our ancestral religion and culture of which we are very proud indeed. It was really hurting us to see the foreign powers coming and plundering our land, desecrating our culture, and polluting our way of life based on the Thorah.
Now it's the turn of the brutal and barbaric Romans. Some of us want to resort to armed rebellion against the Roman and drive them out of our ancestral land. They were known as Zealots. Since many years our family has been active participants with the group.
So we are Zealots.
When I was going around as an ardent supporter of the Zealot movement  
I had heard of  Jesus the itinerant Rabbi.
It was on my wedding day, I saw him and met him for the first time. Our family had invited his mother and him, as they were distant relations from nearby Nazareth.
His disciples were also invited.
Then he performed the miracle of turning water into wine and saved us from a severe embarrassing situation!
I thanked him and we talked a great deal.
Slowly but steadily I became one of  his ardent admirers.
His preaching and his parables, his compassionate commitment to the sinners,to the sick, to the poor, and his zeal for the Kingdom did irresistibly draw me to him as well as to his message.
To make the long story short, I find myself joining him and becoming one of his full time followers!
He had become:
my Hero,
my Master and
my Messiah.
His arrest, his condemnation, and his crucifixion threw me and many of us into utter confusion and total disappointment. Then to our surprise on the third day of his death, he resurrected from his tomb.
Along with many others i accepted him as my Saviour and my Lord!
Since then I had been a Zealot the Saviour! It was with this zeal for him which took me all around, to Egypt, and from there to Persia. It was a joy to have gone through innumerable trials and troubles for my Saviour and for my Lord and for spreading of his message.”
Thank you, dear Apostle Simon,
How I wish to have your zeal and your commitment for Jesus my Saviour and my Lord.
Dear Apostle Simon,
From hating your enemies with vengeance you were transformed into loving them and caring for them, right?
The Lord who transformed wine into water, the very same Lord transformed the Zealot in you into a zealous Apostle, right?

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
You know very that there a Zealot in me,Don't You?
I want the Zealot in me to be transformed into zealous follower of you!
I want to keep trying everyday.
I want to restart all over again whenever I fall and fail.
I know it's a long and lonely way ahead!
I want to keep on despite my failures!
…..       …….       …….
Dear Apostle Jude,
They say you are related to the Lord as you were counted as one of the ‘brethren’ of Jesus.
Maybe you were one of his cousins.
You must have felt horrible as you were stuck with the stigma of your namesake: Judas Iscariot, did you?
You keep giving the impression of a genial and  gentle person unlike Simon your companion. In a sense, both of you compliment each other with your different qualities and characteristics, right?
You are venerated as the patron of the Impossible Causes and Hopeless Cases.
As you know, lots and lots of faithful approach you with their worries and wishes, with the popular Novena devotion to you!
Your blessings bring much solace and comfort to them.
How I wish to be genial and gentle like you  to my fellow humans!
I have often been rude and rash in my dealings with them. I have been haughty and arrogant towards many!

Oh, Jesus,My Lord and My God,
May the zeal of Simon and gentleness of Jude keep on inspiring me.
May their devotion and dedication to spread your message of merciful love and compassionate forgiveness be a constant source of inspiration in my daily life and activities.
Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for giving us your Apostles Simon and Jude as a shining and strong source of inspiration and strength.

Oh,My Lord and My God,
Bless all your children who bear the names of Simon and Jude.
Bless all the churches and institutions who bear their name.
Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for Your:
Unconditional Love of me!
Unending Patience with me!
Untold Forgiveness for me!
Wednesday, 28th October, 2015
On Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are a part of my Journaling as the prodigal son and the prodigal priest in me trying to keep returning to the Home of our Heavenly Father. As I keep holding you in my daily prayers, I request you to include me in yours.
Thank you!

Friday, 23 October 2015

95 My Monologues & Musings : "Tu Es Sacerdos. ...Melchizedek "

95 My Monologues & Musings :
Tu Es Sacerdos …. Melchizedek ( You are a priest..  Melchizedek)

Some forty plus years ago, on a cool  Thursday evening of 23rd October in a small seminary chapel in North India, a frail, sickly, diminutive deacon knelt before the Episcopal Celebrant to be ordained a priest. He was struggling with shortness of breath due to a prolonged and acute chest infection.
The seminary choir chanted solemnly the Gregorian:
“Tu Es Sacerdos in aeternum ….
Secundum Ordinem Melchizedek ….
Juravit Dominus…”
(“You are a priest forever….
following Melchizedek …...
The Lord has sworn an oath…..”)

And so I was ordained a Catholic priest of  the Pallottine Community by a very holy bishop from the neighboring diocese.
The Ordination Ceremony was graced by a small congregation consisting of  my father, relatives, superiors and members of my Pallottine Community, other priests, seminary professors, seminarians, sisters,friends, and well wishers.
I was exhausted, weak, and frail.
After a decade long religious, secular, and seminary training finally:
Here I was a priest!
A severely sick priest!
I didn't have the energy to take part in the subsequent celebrations.
On the very next day I was to travel home with my father and relations to celebrate the First Mass in my home parish. We had made arrangements to travel south by railroads to cover a distance of over a thousand kilometers. In those days it took  about forty plus hours by railroads to reach home.
My superiors were very caring and were very concerned about my ill health and seriously doubted whether I could undertake the long and tedious railroad travel.
To my great dismay, my caring superior got my railroad ticket cancelled and put me on a flight. My father and the rest of the group travelled by railroads. My superior joined them.
In those days, travelling by air was very expensive and was usually reserved for the rich. Though it was my maiden flight,  being very sick, I didn't enjoy it.
We had a good celebration of my First Holy Mass in my home parish.
And I began to recover fast with further medical care.
Later on, I was told that my father and my superiors had serious doubts about my health and worried whether I would make it through my First Mass.
Many thought that i may not last long!
But the fervent:
prayers of my family and relations,  
prayers of my Pallottine Community,
prayers of many friends and well wishers, along with the medical care,
and above all the healing grace of Jesus the Great Healer made me healthy!
Oh, Jesus, the Great Healer,
Thank you for seeing me through those difficult days!
A couple of years later, I did go for an Inner Healing Retreat and slowly it began to unravel to me about my prolonged chest infection and breathing problems i had.
It was made clear to me that my prolonged chest infection prior to my priestly ordination was due to an inner conflict started boiling within me since months before the ordination.
During the four years of theological studies in the seminary I was also asked by the superiors to get enrolled in the State University  and pursue simultaneously a two year Master’s program in Indian Thought. I did it with distinction and came out with topping the rank list. I was awarded a Gold Medal and was offered a Four Year Fellowship to do a PhD level Research.
I was thrilled as well as was proud. I was fascinated and loved to accept the offer.
Being very ambitious I did approach my superiors for the necessary permission. This would have meant postponing my priestly ordination at least for three years.
I thought to myself it would be great idea as the superiors had wanted me to teach Indian Philosophy to our own seminarians right after my ordination.
So I placed the offer of Fellowship before my superiors and requested them to postpone my ordination at least for three years while I pursue the PhD program. I was almost certain of their permission. To my utter disappointment my proposal and request was turned down. I tried to convince them, but of no avail. I was told that the postponement of the  priestly ordination was out of question. I was bluntly told either get ordained now or never!
Oh, boy! I was disappointed, depressed as I was desperate to take the offer of Fellowship.
Well, after a week or so with much resentment I agreed to forgo the offer of Fellowship program and consented to be ordained. Though I had taken the decision mentally, it was very difficult to accept it emotionally.  There was strong resentment deep within me. Though outwardly I was calm I had been nursing grudges against the superiors and hated them. For the next ten months prior to my ordination I was plagued by all sorts ailments and finally ended with a prolonged chest infection lasting through my ordination. It took time for me to accept the reality of forsaking the offer of Fellowship.
As I already had the Masters I was appointed to teach in our seminary.
Well into four years of my priesthood I was asked to pursue the Scriptural Studies in Rome!
It was a pleasant surprise for me.
Then I thought, had I taken up the offer of Fellowship, I may not had the blessing to study Sacred Scripture in Rome and Jerusalem.
Oh, My Lord and My God,
Inscrutable are your ways Oh, Lord!
Oh, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest,
Thank you for choosing me to share your Eternal Priesthood.
Thank you for continuing to keep me in your unconditional love!
Oh, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest,
As I look back, over these past forty plus years of my priestly life,
You know very well that most of the time I have not been worthy to have been chosen to share your Holy and Eternal Priesthood.
Very often, with pride and arrogance,
I have gone around as a priest.
Still you continue to love me, Don't you Lord?
Very often, I have behaved in a manner unbecoming of a priest.
You are aware of it, Lord,
Aren't you?
Yet you continue to love me, Lord!
I have counter witnessed you and
Your Servant Image,  
Your Foot Washing image,
Your Sacrificial Image.
Yet you continue to  keep me in your love!
Don't you, Lord?
Thank you, Lord for your unconditional love
Oh, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest,
You continue to bless me with the privilege: to celebrate the Holy Eucharist,
to bring Reconciliation to your children,
to bring other Sacraments to them.
You blessed me with the opportunity
to study the Sacred Scriptures in the Eternal City.
You blessed me with the opportunity
to live and study in the Holy Land of your Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection!
You blessed me with opportunity to  go to USA and pursue a  PhD in Psychology.
Was it a remuneration for forgoing the offer of PhD Fellowship?
You blessed me with the opportunity
to bring your word to many.
You blessed me with the opportunity
to be a pastor to your people at home and abroad.
And now,
You blessed me with the opportunity
to have a semi-secluded hermit like life here on this holy Hilltop Shrine.
Thank you, Jesus, Eternal High Priest!
Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God
You know me through and through.
You know I have been a ‘prodigal priest.’
Lord,  Jesus, the Eternal High Priest,
I, your prodigal son and priest, wish and want to keep returning to you and to the Home of the Heavenly Father.
Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
As I continue to experience:
Your Unconditional love,
Your Unending Patience,
Your Untold Forgiveness,
I want to keep returning to the Home of the Heavenly Father.
I want to keep returning every day!
Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for accepting me unconditionally as  i try to keep returning to you over and again.
How I wish to abide with you, constantly and continuously, to be in your presence without running away every now and then.
Friday, 23rd October,  2015
On the Forty first anniversary of my
Priestly Ordination.

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are a part of my Journaling as the prodigal son and priest in me keep returning to the Home of our Heavenly Father. As I keep holding you in my daily prayers, I request you to include me in yours.
Thank you! 

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

94 My Monologues & Musings : Abel ( Gen 4 )

94 My Monologues & Musings : Abel (Gen 4)
Dear Abel,  
You are a hardworking and upright young man who really cares for your sheep.
You are the first ever known shepherd, right, Abel?
You seem to be a very caring and dedicated sheep tender.
The God of your parents was very much impressed with you and with your dedication to your profession.
In His eyes, you have done very well in getting ready with the Offering you brought him.
You took the time and the trouble to pick the first born sheep and select the best fleshy part to offer to your God and the God of your parents.
You really wanted to do it,
You were very much interested in doing it, weren't you?
You put your heart and mind in what you  did.
It was not a haphazard, lousy job.
You just didn't it for the sake of doing it, did you?
Oh, dear Abel,
When I look at myself:
How I wish:
That I could be as dedicated in my work as you are!
That I could be as sincere in whatever I do as you are!
That I could be as true to myself as you are!
No wonder!
The Lord was very pleased with you and gladly accepted your offering.
It is a wonderful feeling when one is appreciated and accepted by those who are significant in one’s life, right?
That's exactly what you experienced when your God accepted your Offering.
I am sure you felt bad when you noticed the Offering of your brother was not accepted.
You must have felt confused when your brother was envious of you!
Dear Abel, I would be very happy if you could share with me your musings memories......
"I always looked up to my elder brother with awe! My earliest recollection of him as someone who walk and run much faster than myself.
He could talk with my parents much more fluently than I could.
As adolescent boys we played and had lots of fun.
I was much quieter than him.
I was fascinated with sheep and cattle,
While he loved to work in the fields along with our Dad raising vegetables, flower gardens, and fruit trees.
I loved to take them out for grazing and tending them.
I just loved to watch them in silence.
While I admired my elder brother, he seemed to resent me.
I don't know for what and why!
Maybe, he didn't like me being very prompt and committed to my work.
He loved to take things easy and loath. Somehow he was a bit lazy and laid back type.
When the Lord God rejected his offering my brother was shattered.
He, for sure, wanted the attention and applause, but he was not that willing to earn them and work for them.
He,a sort of, expects it by being the eldest.
Sad indeed!
I couldn't have imagined he would kill me!
He was in a sense under the grip of an evil and destructive thinking.
By killing me, I guess he took it out on God for having rejected him and his offering!
But God tried his level best to make him realize that had he done the right thing, he too would been accepted. right?
How skewed our human thinking and imagination could be!
How much trouble God had taken trying to convince my brother to stop brooding over or else worse things would befall !!
But of no avail!
How sad God must have been when he realized that even he couldn't check the destructive course of action my brother was plotting!
How stubborn we humans can be!
How possessed we humans can be with our self destructive thought patterns!
I am happy that finally my brother got repented and now he is here in heaven with me along with our parents!
Once again we are together as a happy family!"
Thank you, Abel for your inmost thoughts!

Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for stopping me many times from my evil plans and thoughts before they could be translated into evil and self destructive actions.
Thanks a million for coming down to me in the form of others while I was in the grip of my evil moods, like Cain!
I know as you do too, there is also an Abel in me who does things rightly.
I want to help him to be more active in my life!
Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for Your:
Unconditional Love of me!
Unlimited Patience with me!
Untold Forgiveness for me!
Wednesday, 21st October, 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure exegetical interpretations nor highly theological explanations. These are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my journaling in my struggle as a Prodigal Priest  trying everyday to keep returning to the Home our Heavenly Father.
Dear Reader, as I keep holding you in my prayers, I request you to include me in yours.
Thank you!