Wednesday, 29 July 2015

62 My Monologues : World Day against Trafficking Persons

62 My Monologues : World Day Against Trafficking Persons

Dear God,
Ever since you created us in your image and likeness:
We have been mistreating and maltreating each other.
We have been slaving and selling each other.
We have been trafficking children and women.
We have been engaged in flesh trade.
We have forcefully transported and trafficked other humans.
It must pain you to see your children being trafficked and sold!.
As we observe today as the a day of awareness against trafficking humans, may we your children learn to respect each other as your images and likenesses.
Let all those who are engaged in trafficking human persons may realize the inhumanity of their crime!
Oh, Loving God our Creator,
Thank you for creating us in your image and likeness!
Lord , 'I thank you for the wonder my being', for creating me in your image and likeness!
Jesus,  My Lord and My God,
May your commandment to love one another be remembered and practised in our daily lives.
Thursday, 30th July, 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal Priest's' journaling on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father. You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month. If you do not want get these Reflections via email, please send a note and your email id will be deleted from the mailing list.
Thank you!

61 My Monologues : Martha of Bethany

61 My Monologues : Martha of Bethany
"I am Martha, the sister of Lazarus and Mary.
I do often reminisce on the  many fond memories I have of the Lord. 
He was a family friend and a frequent visitor.
My sister and brother and myself were very informal in our dealings with him and so was he.
He, sure, did help me to look into myself and grow up.
A couple of his visits are indelible indeed!
On one of his visits, as he entered our house, 
I rushed to the kitchen to prepare a meal for him. While I was busy all by myself in the kitchen, my sister was cosily sitting by his side and was immersed in conversation with the Lord.
I wished and wanted her to come and help me to get the meal ready at the earliest and serve the Lord as quickly as possible.
I waited for her to come on her own...
But she didn't. .
Of course, she was always a bit slow.
Or rather, to be more precise, I was always faster than my sister.
As result, I often used to get impatient with her...
Why couldn't she be like me?
Her slow nature often annoyed me.
And  now and then I used to scold her..
Often she would just be quiet and wouldn't react..
On that day I have had enough..
I couldn't hold it back any more....
I rushed to them from the kitchen and gave a mouthful..
Unmindful of my annoyance, there she was lost in listening to the Lord!
I was real mad..
I did ask the Lord to tell her to come and give a helping hand in the kitchen..
I was sure he would understand me...
and would yield to my request.
To my utter shock,
He not only rebuffed me..
He rebuked me...
He refused. ..
He even told my sister has chosen the better part and he would by any means persuade her to opt out of what she had chosen to do..
Oh, boy,
I was hurt..
I was offended..
I was confused. .
How could the Lord ever tell me off...
so bluntly. .
I knew all along he liked me very much...
But then, how could he say so?
I went back to the the meal ready...
And did serve him..with hurtful feelings and with a wounded heart....
But, in a sense, I was sulking all the while..
I was wondering whether he loves me at all !!!
And loves only my sister..
I was confused...
As i remained unusually silent...
He came near me... 
held my hand..
He told me, "Martha, 
I know you are very hurt...."
You keep thinking that 
I don't like you, right?
Martha, I do like you..
I do love you as much as I love your sister, Mary.
I mean it..Martha!!
Martha, you are a wonderful person..
You are very willing to work hard for others ... just as you were getting a meal ready for me..
Martha, you are very able..
very outgoing...
very..practical, right?
You want others to be like you, right, Martha?
You want  your sister to be like you,
don't you, Martha?
You are tempted to to think that your way is the right way..the best way,
don't you think so, Martha?
Martha, when i came in, 
if only you had asked me what would I like to have?
If only you had asked me whether I was hungry?
I would have said to you..
No Martha, at the moment I am not hungry..
But I was not given a chance to say so.
Before that you rushed to the kitchen. .
with the best of intention
to get a meal ready for me, right Martha?
Then as you were preparing you felt bad that your sister isn't there in the kitchen to give you a helping hand right?
Martha, for some time I had been thinking of telling you.. not to jump into conclusions.
Martha , when I came in through that door all that I want was sit and chat for a while. .
Then latet on we could have thought of getting something ready to eat...
Somehow, your sister Mary picked that up..
I was happy..
Martha,  when you barged in and asked me to suggest Mary to help you I could have asked to go help you.
Had I done that I would not helped you to realize your faulty way of acting and reacting.
Martha, I want you think about it..., won't you?
Martha, you will realize and appreciate as you reflect over..
Martha, you can do it..
You will do it. .
You come out glowing!
After raising of Lazarus at same house for the meal...
"Martha, how happy you are.. no complaining..
Though you  are all by yourself serving the meal..
And you do it so gladly!
Martha,  you don't complain about your sister Mary for not coming and helping out!
Martha, you are great !!!!
You did change, right, Martha?
I just admire you and love you, Martha!"

"Thank you,  Lord, thank you!
You, sure, did help me to look at myself and correct my faulty thinking!
Lord, you are awfully great!"

Dear Martha,
As I keep reflecting on you, it dawns on me that I have been behaving like you.. presuming..
taking things for granted..
expecting others to fall in line with my way of thinking...
working hard but at the same time unhappy..
complaining. ..nagging...
Martha, I want to keep changing and growing like you. .
Martha,  you keep inspiring me!
Thank you, Martha..
Today we honour you and your memory and it is  your Feastday!
Happy Feast!  to you Martha!
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for inspiring with the life of Martha..
Lord, do continue to keep giving me shocks as you did with Martha. .
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for your immense patience with me and waiting and watching for to keep growing!
How i wish I could grow faster !!!
Jesus My Lord and My God,
I want to spend some time in silence in your presence. .
Speak to me Lord!!!!
Wednesday, July 29th,  2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. These are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of the journaling of the pilgrimage of the Prodigal Priest in me. I am happy to share with you. As i keep holding you in my prayers, I request you to include me in yours.
Thank you!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

60 My Monologues : International Friendship Day

60 My Monologues :
'I call you friends...'(Jn 15:15)
International Friendship Day

"A couple of years ago, I did call each one of you to join me and be my disciple.
And you did respond and joined me.
I am glad that you are with me.
You followed me..
We travelled around the length and breadth of the land of our Fathers.
I taught you:
To pray..
To serve..
To help those in need..
I corrected you:
when you made mistakes..
when fought among yourselves..
I encouraged you when failed...
I was patient with you when you showed slow progress.
I forgave you many a times and exhorted you to forgive seven times seventy times seven times, didn’t I ?
Don't you remember?
I have washed your feet and wished and wanted you to wash the feet of each other, haven't I?
Thus I exhorted you to serve rather than wanting to be served.
I called you to be my disciples, Didn't I?
I wanted you to be my apostles..
The last days I called you my friends, right?
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
I did lay down my life for you and for all, didn’t I?"

Dear loving Jesus,
Despite my repeated failures,
In Spite of my prodigal ways as a priest,
You keep treating me a friend!
Thank you, Lord!
A million thank you!
In turn I have failed often to be your friend! many, many times..I have disappointed you,haven't I?
Yet you keep forgiving me..
You keep loving me as a friend!
"What thanks can I render Thee..."

Dear Jesus,
In two days time, we will once again be celebrating the International Friendship Day.
I thank you for bringing me many,many friends into my life, at every stage of my life. I still have fond memories of my childhood friends. Though with many of them I don't have much contacts, bless them Lord, wherever they are and whatever they do. You gave many college as well as seminary friends.
Bless them, Lord and be with them!
You gave many priest-friends. May they continue to serve you with joy.
During my long years of sojourn in foreign countries, you sent me lots and lots of friends into my life who did help in manifold ways.
Thank you Lord! They did make a difference in my life and helped me to make my life in their respective countries as comfortable as possible.
Bless them with long, happy, healthy, and succeed ultimate life.
In their difficult times,  be with them Lord,
inspiring and strengthening them.
Lord Jesus, as you know some of the friends you had given me, you did call them to be with you! May they continue to enjoy their bliss in your company.
Yes, Lord, many consider me as their friends.
I am honoured!
I wish I could have been more generous to them with my time and talents!
Looking back, I consider my self blessed!
Thank you, Lord!
Above all, thank you, Lord for considering me and calling me as your friend.
You had been steady all along!
How i wish!
I could have been a more genuine, faithful, and steady friend to you!
I shall keep trying to be one for the remaining years of my life.
Jesus,  My Lord and My God,
I wish to spend some time in silence in your presence thanking you for being my friend.
Tuesday, 28th July, 2015
Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal Priest's' journaling on my t to the Home of our Heavenly Father. You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.
I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!

59 My Monologues: A Prayer for World Hepatitis Day Prayer.

Dear Jesus, the Great Healer,
Healing the sick was your favorite ministry. You did heal every one of the sick, either woman or man, old or young,  daughter or son, Jew or gentile, who approached you and prayed to be healed.You even healed the sick, when their loved ones who interceded and prayed to you and pleaded with you.
You had great compassion and concern for the sick and you made them healthy.
Today, as the we think of  millions of our fellow sisters and brothers all over the world who are afflicted with Hepatitis,
We bring them before you so that they experience your healing through the medical care, through the emotional, and spiritual support of their loved ones. Bless all the physicians, nurses, and all those medical personnels and their service who continue your healing ministry.
May these medical professionals experience  meaning and fulfillment in their healing ministry.
May the sick find healing and regain their health through the medical services they get.
May the families of the sick especially the families of Hepatitis patients find strength and courage to continue to support their sick.
Dear Jesus, the Great Healer,
We bring before you all those sick who get neither medical care nor family support.
May they find strength and solace through the care and support of their fellow humans.
Jesus, the Great Healer!
Thank you!
Thank for your healing which I have experienced all through my life, especially when I was a very sick baby.
Bless, Lord, all the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnels who have treated me!
Bless Lord, all those of my loved ones who took care of me whenever I was sick!
Bless everyone with a genuinely caring attitude and approach to our fellow humans who are sick
Tuesday, 28th July, 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal Priest's' journaling on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father. You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

58 My Monologues : Venerable Joachim and Anna

58 My Monologues : Venerable Joachim and Anna

Dear Venerable Anna and Joachim,
You were born into your respective ancestral Jewish families and brought up as very practising Jewish you.  When you got married you dreamed of bring forth your own kids into the world. You dreamed of  becoming loving, caring, and very dedicated parents.
But your dreams to have kids and to become parents took a long forty plus years and thousands of hours prayers and fasting.
Venerable Joachim, you went to the Judean deserts and spent forty days in solitude, in fasting , and praying to become parents. Yahweh did hear your prayer.
You and Anna, your wife became parents of Mary. You both became parents of a daughter who was to become the mother God.
Aren't you unique parents who went through years of ignominy and agony of a childless couple?
Though very little is known about you, it is certain that you were devout parents and brought up your daughter dearer to Yahweh.
So Yahweh chose your daughter to be the mother of God.
You spent your best youthful years in sadness, in sorrow, in prayer, in waiting with expectation to become parents. But little did you know you were destined to be grandparents of the Messiah!
Sure, you did not live to see your Grandson and hold Him in your arms and pamper him, right?
Jesus, your grandson is proud of you just as you are of him, right?
Dear Mother Mary,
You must learned the basic lessons of endurance, hope, and love from your parents, right?
As the legend goes you were taken to the Temple and was dedicated to Yahweh. Aren't you proud of your parents?
Dear Jesus,
Though you never had the joy of relishing their love and attention of your Grandparents and spending fun time with them, you mother must shared with you a lot about them, didn’t she?
Dear Jesus,
I bring before you all the grandparents especially the ones who are lonely, who are sick,  who are uncared for and unattended!
May find solace and strength from dear and near ones.
I thank you for the gift of my grandparents who brought me until I was ten, who cared for as a motherless infant-baby. 
They gave me much love and owe them much gratitude.
Bless them with eternal life and your presence!
Jesus, My Lord and My God,
I bring before you all who bear their name! May they be inspired and strengthened by the life and example of  Venerable Joachim and Anna.
Jesus, My Lord and My God,
I want to some time on silence in your presence offering all the grandparents and all those bear the name of Joachim and Anna.
I want to be inspired by your Grandparents,
by their enduring hope, by their living faith, by their mutual love for each other and for your Father in Heaven. 
Sunday, 25th July, 2015
Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal Priest's' journaling on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father. You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month. If you do not want get these Reflections via email, please send a note and your email id will be deleted from the mailing list.
Thank you!