Tuesday, 29 September 2015

81 My Monologues & Musings : The World Heart Day

81 My Monologues & Musings : World Heart Day

Oh, Loving God,
Today we your children observe the day as the World Heart Day.
We pray that everyone of your children take good care themselves and of each other to have and maintain eating habits which help them to have healthy hearts. May we learn to eat right!
Let your children continue to remember human heart is the seat of good and bad thoughts, emotions and desires which prompt us into respective actions.
May we foster the good thoughts, emotions, and desires. May be learn to shun the evil ones.
You promised us New Hearts of flesh to be replaced with the Hearts Stone!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for your Sacred Heart, for your Meek and Humble Heart, for your Caring and Forgiving Heart, for your Merciful Heart,  'Misericordia'!May our hearts be formed and reformed after yours!
May all of your children who are heart - patients be healed of ailments and become healthy!
Immaculate Heart of of Mary,
May we your children be possessed of humble and meek hearts, of loving hearts, of caring hearts, of healthy hearts!
Tuesday,  29th September,  2015

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

79 My Monologues & Musings : Levi the Tax Collocator & Matthew the Disciple

I80 My Monologues & Musings :  
Levi the Tax Collocator & Matthew the Disciple
Dear Tax Collector Levi, I guess, you must have been quite a rich jew as you have been collecting taxes for X number of years. They say it was a very coveted post for those craved to make quick and big bucks. By being a tax collector you must have been working for the mighty Romans and for their puppet Herodians.
As I understand, the tax collectors were expected to remit to the Roman authorities an amount fixed in advance as tax money. They were expected to collect this amount from the people. Whatever they are able to collect over and above the fixed amount, would be their so-called salary. The ordinary folks were frightened  of you guys as most of you would use force and fleece them to cough up much more. As a group, you were feared, but never revered. You were a hated lot as you connived with Romans in suppressing your fellow Jews and keep occupying their ancestral land, right?  
The ordinary people never ever saw their Roman Rulers and very seldom got a glimpse of the Herods. For them, you were the visible symbol of their oppression.  The patriotic Jews alway detested you and your profession and  bracketed you along with the sinners ,
"tax collectors and sinners", right?
So whenever they got a sure and certain opportunity to attack you, they made use of it. Usually, you were safe due to the power, position and the protection you got from the ruthless Roman Army.
Some of the bible pundits think you may have heard of Jesus and may have even listened to some of his discourses or you may have  even met him and got acquainted with him. Somehow you began to admire and like him, right?
As Jesus used to be around Capernaum for his ministry of healing and preaching the Good News, he must have noticed you sitting by the tax booth and marked you out.
One day as you were collecting the taxes, out of the blue,  he came up to you and told:
"Follow me"
Dear friend, how and what did you feel when he called you?
What was your initial reaction?
a mixture of all the above?
Whatever might have your initial reaction been, one thing is certain:
as soon as he called you to follow him,
you just put in your papers and called it a day. You did it without any further ado!
Remember, the job you had as the tax collector was a permanent one. Without any hesitation you left the financial security which your job has been providing you.
It is very courageous of you to have left a secure present for an uncertain future,  to forgo a steady income for no financial profit. The cost you had to pay to follow Jesus is almost unmatched.
Dear friend, why did you do it?
Despite the money you made and the support you enjoyed from the ruling class, were you happy?
If you were happy and content you would not have left your job, right?
It looks like you had reached a stage in your life where money and position did not bring you much of happiness. As a tax collector you have been treating the common folks with cruelty and the injustice. Slowly and steadily, it began to prick your conscience, right? And then comes Jesus. He did  strike the iron while it was hot!
And you quit!
Levi, your decision to follow him was a very drastic one. Unlike many of the other disciples who could have gone back to their fishing business any time they wanted, you could not. Remember, some of them went back to their fishing even after the  resurrection of their Master!
Levi, even if you were to go back, it would have been difficult for you to get your job back as it was a coveted post.
Probably the only thing you took along from your job was your "pen"  which was used for writing the tax records, right?
Levi, it seems you were destined to use your  "pen" and your record keeping skills to keep the recording of the "Good News"of your Master.
As you started serving your New Master, you had a new identity and a new name, right?
Levi the Tax Collector becomes Matthew the Disciple.
Oh, my friend,  how i wish!
I could transform the hardened sinner in me into a committed disciple like you!
How I wish to replace the various versions of the Roman and Herodian Masters in my life with Jesus as my Master and Messiah!
Dear disciple Matthew, you did it so quickly and consistently, right?
While,  here I am!
Still struggling and inconsistent for well over sixty years!
Once again, I renew my resolve to keep trying!
Dear disciple Matthew, soon after the Lord called you to follow him, you turned around and called upon the Lord and invited him home to be your guest of honour and to grace the banquet. You invited many of your friends and relations so as to introduce your New Master and let them know about the  "U Turn" you had taken and the radical change of your profession.
Dear disciple Matthew, you were no more stuck and sitting in the same tax booth of your sin. Instead you started your pilgrimage of transformation by travelling with your Master and Lord!
In my case, though years ago, I have started my journey with Jesus my Master, I continue to leave him on and off and go back frequently to sit in the tax booth of my sins!
I keep repeating these flip-flops!
That's me, many a time!
Dear disciple Matthew, I do want to spend some time with you in silence and want to listen to you.  
Do share with me:
your "before" and  "after" experiences,
as a  tax collect and as a disciple. ......
The Tax Collector Levi & Disciple  Matthew :"Yes, all that wanted was to make lots of money and become rich. I thought the job of a Collector was one of the quickest way to get rich. It was a kind of a license to make as much money as possible under the protection and patronage of the ruling Romans. All that I needed was men and might to frighten and fleece the people. I had it and I did make lots of money. I was happy and enjoyed my job and life.
But as days passed I began to lose my peace of mind. Money didn't make me happy or make my mind peaceful.
As I was going through a kind of inner struggle I happened to hear of Rabbi Jesus!
In fact I did listen to some of his exhortations. If made sense. He began to an impact on me. I began to take interest in him.
And it saw happened:
He called me and I did respond. .
Left my job..
Gradually the Levi in me was changed into Matthew.
Yes, it dawned on me that might and money, power and pelf wouldn't bring me lasting peace and joy!
I am ever grateful to Lord Jesus for helping me to turn around my life and begin to  transform myself.."
Jesus , My Lord and  My God,
the way you dealt with Levi amazes me.
You saw him,
You met him,
You commanded  him to follow you!
It was neither a request nor an invitation!
It was a simple and straightforward command!
As per the narration,
You never preached him Repentance!
You never admonished him to mend his ways!
You never gave him any Punishment!
You never asked him to do any Penance!  
You just asked him to follow you!
You accepted him as he was.
You took him the way you found him.
This is your Unconditional Acceptance of him!
My Lord and my Master, as  I look at my life, there was and is a Levi in me.
He has been very much alive in life.
Though I have responded your call to be a priest-disciple and have been "functioning" so for almost forty years, often I go back to sit in the booth of tax the collector!
You are very much aware of it, Aren't you?
Yet you are very patient with the Levi in me!
You Keep waiting for him.
It humbles me to keep remembering your immense patience with me.
"What thanks can I render You,  
Oh my God."
My Lord and my Master,
whenever you catch me sitting in the  booth of the tax collector,
Do just pull me out,
And put me back on the path of my pilgrimage of inner healing and spiritual growth.
Place me right behind you as you travel around bringing healing and happiness to many.
My Lord and Master, do keep an eye on me!
Jesus,  my Lord and Master,
I do want to sit in your presence in silence for a while..
and listen to you..
Narrate to me and remind me of the number of times you have been patiently pulling me out of my tax collector's booth.
Let me keep dwelling on your loving and forgiving Unconditional Acceptance of me!
Lord Jesus,Prince of Peace,
Today is observed as International Peace Day.
May the you kept on wishing after your Resurrection be experienced by everyone.
May we strive for it!
May we be willing to make the required amendments and necessary corrections in our attitudes and lives!
May learn to live in reconciliation and  peace!
Monday , September 21, 2015
on the Feast of St. Matthew

Monday, 14 September 2015

78 My Monologues & Musings : The Exaltation of Cross

78 My Monologues & Musings :  The Exaltation of the Cross
Dear Lord Jesus,
Today the Catholic Church observes the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.
As the tradition goes the Cross on which you sacrificed your life was left unnoticed and it was traced back little over three hundred years after your crucifixion.
While you were active in your ministry you exhorted us that each one has to take up one's cross and it along the pilgrimage of life which ultimately would lead one to Resurrection, right.
But Lord, it's so hard to take my cross and carry it  as I trudge along. If possible I want either  to avoid my crosses, or to  dodge them, or to skip them, or postpone them.
As you know it so painfully well, it is almost innate to our human nature, when faced with crosses in our daily lives, it is almost innate to our human nature to react: 'if possible let this cup pass by.'
But you did encourage us with your life to overcome our innate tendency to avoid our crosses.
Yet Lord , I have failed and failed often and failed miserably!
You know it, Don't you?
Ever since my childhood either at home or in school I have dodged to face the daily little cross by avoiding to abide by the instructions, advices, and duties.
As a seminarian as well as a young priest I have tried to avoid to carry my crosses.
Most of the times when I taught as a teacher, preached as a priest, administered the Sacraments and cared for the sheep as a pastor, I have tried to avoid the crosses I faced and enjoyed the initial and temporary relief and joy!
But Lord, as you know there were instances I had carried my crosses. Very often I did it with reluctance. At times I did it to impress others! And sometimes I did it willingly and happily.
How I wish, I could multiply those instances where I carried my daily crosses willingly and happily!
How I wish to say as you did:
"yet not what I want but what you want"!

Jesus My Lord and My God,
Thank you for your Self-Sacrificing example of carrying your  cross.
Ever since the Annunciation to your  mother you had face crises one after another,  crises big and small, right?
It started with the misunderstanding between your mother and foster father.
Then your trip to Bethlehem, the ordeal that your parents went through, the threat of King Herod, the flight to Egypt and back, the constant opposition from your religious and political power centres, the betrayal s and abandonment of your disciples,  their  disbelief in your Resurrection and if goes on and on. . , right?
You faced every one of the cross,  you carried them, and became victorious.
How I wish to face my crosses and carry them as you did!
I want to do it with your inspiring and strengthening presence in my life!
Jesus, My  Lord and My God,
I want to keep following you ad I carry my daily crosses.
Monday, 17th September,  2015

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

77 My Monologues & Musings : International Literacy Day

77 My Monologues & Musings : International Literacy Day

Oh, God our Creator,
Oh, God of knowledge and wisdom,
We are ever grateful to for the gift of the Writing and Reading faculties you have bestowed on. We are glad that almost three billion of children literate and able to read and write. Yet there are about 800 million of your children who are illiterate.
May they too be able to read and write.
As a young kid I was fortunate to go to the village school and learn to read write.
Thereby they get a sense of worth and value about myself and about others.
But there were many in my village, both grown up as well as children who didn’t know to read and write.  Sure, things have changed in the last sixty years for the better.
But there are millions of my fellow humans who are yet to learn to write and read.
May they get help, support, and encouragement to learn to write and read and acquire and experience a better.
Someday, they may be equipped to read the Sacred Scriptures of their respective religions and know more of you.
May they be able to communicate with their fellow humans in a better way.
Dear Jesus, my Lord and my God,
I consider myself very blessed and fortunate to read your Word and to write them down!
Thank you! A million Thanks!
Tuesday, 8the September,  2015

Monday, 7 September 2015

76 My Monologues & Musings : Birthday of Our Blessed Mother

76 My Monologues  & Musings : Birthday of Our Blessed Mother

Oh,  My Blessed Mother,
Once again your birthday is being observed and celebrated on 8th of September.
Oh, my Blessed Mother,
Wish you a very very
Happy Birthday!
You were a miracle child, weren't you?
So says some of the traditions.
Ever since they got married, your parents, Anne and Joachim longed to have a baby.
They prayed for years and waited for decades.
And you were born!
How thrilled they must have been!
According to legends, your parents took you to the Temple and dedicated yourself to the Lord!
Oh, Blessed Mother,
Though unworthy, I would be more than honoured and delighted to listen to the reminiscences of your childhood.
.........     ..........    .........

Blessed Mother :
"Yes, my childhood memories are one the fondest memories I love to keep treasuring  and cherishing. I was born after a long and enduring waiting and praying. My aging parents were thrilled and elated with my arrival.
They kept thanking Yahweh Adonai for gifting to them. They used to go to the Temple almost everyday as they lived close. For the first time, along with my mother i was brought to Temple for the purification ritual of my mother and for the ceremony of myself. Years later, as a mother I walked the steps with my son in my arms, I myself stood at the very entrance of the same Temple holding my son!
Later on temples was almost like my home.
I used to play around on it's premises and go in pray. They used to call the little angel full of cheer and joy.
How I wish every child especially every girl child has a very happy home and healthy environment to grow up!
How I wish every home has a God-loving and peace-filled atmosphere!
How I wish every girl child is heartly welcomed and equally loved as a male child!
How I wish no female embryonic life neither terminated nor aborted!
How i wish every girl child is as courageous as Miriam, the elder sister of Moses!
How i wish every child especially every female child is never ever exploited neither physically, nor emotionally, nor sexually!
How every female child grows into mature and courageous like Rebecca, Rachel Ruth, Judith and Esther!
How i wish the whole world wakes up to the inhuman practice of child labour especially female child labour!
How i wish the whole keeps telling to every troubled girl child is told,
"Talitha cumi" - "little girl, rise up"

Dear Blessed Mother Mary,
Thank you for sharing your innermost musings!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for giving us your Mom ad ours too!
My Lord and My God,
Bless every child!
Bless every female child!
Bless every child born today!
Bless every female child born today!
Monday, 7th September

Saturday, 5 September 2015

75 My Monologues & Musings : International Day of Charity

75 My Monologues & Musings : International Day of Charity

Dear Lord Jesus,
You wanted us to be Good Samaritans to each and thereby genuinely to love and charity.
Today the word  observes the International Charity Day in honour of Mother Theresa who is the sign and symbol of charity.
May many more follow her example of genuine service and charity.
As I look into my life though there were opportunities and instances where i had been kind, generous, and charitable, I have a long way to go.
Often enough I have been very uncharitable in thoughts and attitudes. Outwardly I have been putting up a facade of being very concerned and charitable!
But deep within I have entertained the thoughts uncharitable attitudes.
Lord, I want to be Chris able in thoughts and attitudes!
Help me,
My Lord and My God!
I am also immensely grateful to many many  instances of charity shown to me and shared with me by many of my fellow humans.
Bless them, Lord! bless everyone of them,.
May more and more people come forward to be charitable and genuinely concerned.
Saturday,  September 5th, 2015

74 My Monologues & Musings : My Teacher

74 My Monologues & Musings : My Teacher
Dear Lord Jesus, Our Rabbi  (Teacher)
Many of your fellow humans saw the best Teacher in you and they called you,  Rabbi!
We in India, observe today as Teacher's Day.
Bless all our teachers!
May they be happy, healthy, effect, and successful teachers bringing much joy to themselves, satisfaction to the their students, and glory to their God!
I gratefully recall all teachers who have helped me to grow in knowledge and in wisdom.
I still remember my first teacher who taught me to write and read my mother tongue. He  an elderly, lean and lanky grey haired man. He was village teacher. I guess even had taught my father!
In those days we kids to take along with some dry white sand and a piece of cloth to spread the sand and write in it the first alphabets. Then wipe them clean and start rewriting until we learn. The teacher gives a us each a dried long leaf of country palm tree on which alphabets were inscribed. We had to look at them and write on the sand. It was fun.
From my first teacher on I have scores of teachers helping me to learn. School teachers, Sunday School Teachers,  College Lecturers etc. They were male and female teachers, nuns and priests teachers!

Lord Jesus, my Master and Teacher!
Bless them .
Bless all the teachers in the world!
Bless them with Health, Happiness, a sense of Fulfillment!

Along with your disciples especially with Mary Magdalene,  let me keep calling you,
"Rabboni. ...Rabboni. .Rabboni!"
Saturday, September 5th, 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

73 My Monologues & Musings : World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

73 My Monologues & Musings : World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Oh, God the Creator of the Universe, the Creator of us, the humans, the Creator of me,
I bow before Thee in adoration for the wonder of the Universe, for the magnificent variety of species of living beings in the air, on earth and in the water. Everything you created everything and every living being you created, you found them 'good' and even 'very good'!

Oh, Lord our Creator,
You entrusted the whole Creation to us:
to use and not abuse,
to have dominion and not dominate,
to keep it and not own,
to preserve it and not destroy,
to explore it and not exploit.

But,Oh, Lord Our Creator,
We keep on abusing your creation, We continue to dominate,
We keep treating it as if we own it.
We continue to destroy it.
We keep on exploiting it.
We don't think of the future generations!

Oh, Lord, my Creator,
Thank you for gifting me life.
Thank you bring me into the world.
Thank you for the  mother nature.
Thank you for all the living beings.
Thank you for the different seasons.
Thank you for your continued love.

Oh, Lord my Creator,
I am deeply sorry:
for misusing and abusing your gift  of  Creation with all its wonders.
for wasting its resources,
for wasting the precious water,
for polluting the air I breath,
for the indiscriminate use of all the natural resources at my disposal.
I am very sorry:
for my ungrateful attitude towards you, who are :
the Owner, the Author and Giver of Creation and of the Universe including my fellow humans and myself! I am sorry!
Mea Culpa,
Mea Culpa.
Mea Maxima Culpa!
I want to keep on:
gratefully looking at your creation,
sparingly using the many resources, carefully preserving them for future,
and keep on singing your praise my gratitude as long as I occupy a place on your vast and wondrous creation! Amen!
Tuesday, September 1st, 2015