Thursday, 28 May 2015

44 My Monologues with the 'Woman Caught' (Jn 8)

44 My Monologues with the "Woman  Caught"  (Jn 8)

Oh, the Scribes and the Pharisees,
Like your Prized "Catch", you too must have spent a sleepless night, searching for  the "Prey", right?
Once you had the "Catch" in your kitty, you must have been thrilled. By spotting her in the act, you got the most essential component of the plot you had been hatching.
And you all gloated over! Didn't you?
You must have racked your brain plotting of a fool-proof classical case to trap Jesus, your bet noir, didn't you?
By the way, how did you spot her exact location at the right time?
Usually such illegal sexual acts are done in a hush-hush.
So it is highly likely that you had some prior information about it, right?
Did you, in fact, set it up, just to have a fool-proof case?
The whole thing reeks of the stench of your sick mind?
The narration about your:
"they said to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him..." lends credence to it, right?
Moreover, why didn't you bring along her male partner the one who committed adultery with her?
Weren't both of them equally responsible for the act?
Weren't both guilty?
Didn't they both break the Law?
Didn't they both deserve the Mosaic Punishment?
So where was the male accomplice?
Was he allowed to escape conveniently  after having fun and after provided you with a fool-proof scenario?
Did you pay him to do his part and for his complicity?
If you were really concerned about the immorality of adultery you should have and you would have brought along the male partner as well.
Weren't they both guilty?
Why is he missing?
Why did you bring only just the 'Woman Caught'?
You used both of them, especially the woman, as mere pawns in your vicious game to get at Jesus at any cost.
You exploited the human weakness for irresponsible and immoral carnal pleasures.
In a sense, your minds are more adulterous than the adulterous bodies of the man and the woman involved, Don't you think so?
As I look at myself and into myself, i am very familiar with your mindset as I do possess a piece of it.
It might be a bit more accurate to say, at times, I am even possessed by this type sick mind similar to yours!
I have used others as pawns to settle scores with my real or perceived opponents.
Dear Lord, do keep reminding me, challenging me to throw out such sick mind and attitude whenever it  takes me over!

Oh, the 'Woman Caught',
Pathetic is your condition,
Painful is your  situation,
And self-despising is your attitude, right?
I guess you find yourself caught up in this way of life.
Even if you had wanted to get out and start a new life,
Odds were very much against you, right?
With your past, it must have been difficult to find a life time partner in a married way of life.
All they want to enjoy was your body and exploit you.
In the present scenario, they must have trapped you, right?
Would you have agreed to sleep with that male partner, had you known that you would be produced before the Religious Authorities as an accused?
I don't think you answer would be a positive.

Oh, the Woman Caught,
By now you know:
How mean can we men be in our dealing with women!
Often our male chauvinist mind has little problem in using, misusing, and abusing our female counterparts for our own selfish reasons of all sorts!
You are neither the first victim nor the last one to be abused and exploited by us men.
What amazes me is your Silence.
You never tried to minimize your role and responsibilities in the act.
You never placed the blame on others.
You could have told that you were forced, coerced to cooperate.
You could have told that you were emotionally pressured.
You could have told the male involved had promised you to marry you.
You could have told that it is the only way for you to earn your livelihood..
You could have told any number of excuses to reduce your culpability.
But you did none of these!
You neither blamed the Scribes nor the Pharisees nor the male nor yourself!

Oh, the Woman Caught,
Did you keep thinking silently something like:
" It is of no use.. "
"No one would believe me or what I have to say."
"I leave myself just in the hands of the inevitable fate to be stoned..."
"Even this Rabbi would neither believe nor understand me.."
"After all, men always stick together, don't they?"
Oh, the Woman Caught, you might have had thoughts something similar to above lines, right?

Oh, the Woman Caught,
You never expressed any regret or remorse for your way of life.
You never asked the Lord for forgiveness for your wayward ways.
When asked by the Lord, your answers were just the matter of fact replies, replies devoid of any hope or optimism.
It must have been unbelievable for your eyes when you saw them, one by one, dropping the stones from their hands!
It must have been incredible when you heard,
"Neither do I condemn you"!

Oh, the Woman Caught,
Standing before him, looking at him,
How awestruck you must have been!
Your numb mind and remorseless heart must have melted in the merciful attitude of the Lord, right?
What has become of you after this soul stirring experience?
You expected a merciless judgment and stoning!
But you were given a compassionate verdict!
You expected death by stoning by the humans.
But you were gifted with a new lease of life by the divine,
To mend your ways and to amend for your past!
You were caught at night and brought to judgment.
But were released in the morning with a new lease of life!
How merciful is the Master!

Dear Merciful Lord Jesus,
How tactfully you treated your opponents!
They wanted to test you, trap you and taste victory.
But you gave them a taste of your compassion.
You did it without confronting them arrogantly.
You did it without accusing them self-righteously.
You did it without shaming them with a showdown.
Yet you did it with appealing to their conscience!

Dear Merciful Lord,
You know the arrogant little Pharisee in me acts up.
You know I carry within myself a snobbish little Pharisee.
You know there is a cruelly critical, Pharisee in me.
You know there's a tricking, trapping type Pharisee in me
Yet you have been very caring and forgiving to me.
Though I deserve to be stoned,
Yet you keep on bending down and writing on the ground.
Thank you, Lord, thank you for your patience for me,
for your forbearance with me, waiting for me to change.
Lord, I want to keep dropping the stones I have in my hand and be merciful to those who keep failing.

Oh,  My Lord and My God,
I want to spend some time in silk, in your presence,
Acknowledging the little Pharisee in me,
Acknowledging the little woman caught
And placing them before you,
Pleading to continue your merciful presence in my life
Until I relent, until I repent, until I renew myself.
Thursday, 28th May, 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. These are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of the journaling of a 'Prodigal Priest' on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly., Father.
You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!

Thursday, 21 May 2015

43 My Monologues with the Tongues of Fire

43 My Monologues with the Tongues of Fire

Oh, the Mighty Tongues of Fire,
My earliest memories of You go back to the memories of a Twelve year old lad!
As the part of the preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation, one day a grandmotherly holy nun brought to our class with some beautifully cut out white paper doves.  She had also brought along some tongue shaped, fire-red flame like paper cuts. She held them high one of each in her hands and told us, the adolescent kids, these are the symbols of the Holy Spirit. While the white dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit descending upon us during our baptism as it did at the baptism of Jesus. The fire-red, tongue shaped flame like paper cuts represented the descend of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples praying in the Upper Room. She told us the Holy Spirit would descend upon us on our Confirmation day as it happened with the disciples in the Upper Room. On our Confirmation day we were given one of each of these tongue shaped, fire-red paper cuts as a headgear. They were glued to paper rings big enough to be placed on our heads as crowns. For us kids, it was a joy to sport them! When I think of the Upper Room experience of the disciples, these happy memories of  the Confirmation ceremony keep popping up afresh in my mind! It makes me feel good!

Come, Oh, Holy Spirit, come upon me,
As the Tongues of Fire and purify me!
Come, Oh,  Holy Spirit, come up  me,
As a Mighty Wind and sweep me off my feet.

Come, Oh, Holy Spirit, come upon me,
As the Fountain of Living Spring!
Come, Oh, Holy Spirit, come drench me,
That my life may never run dry!

Come, Oh, Holy Spirit, come,
As the Gentle Spirit,
Come, permeate every fiber of me,
That my life be be gentle and serene!

Come, Oh, Holy Spirit, come,
And release me from the clutches of the Evil Spirit,
Come, free me from its evil influence,
And replenish me with your holy promptings.

Come, Oh,  Holy  Spirit, come,
And renew my drooping spirit.
Come, refresh me with your vibrant Spirit,
That I may feel refreshed every day!

Oh,  Holy Spirit, the Mighty Tongues of Fire,
Oh, Holy Spirit, the Fountain of  the Living  Spring,
Oh, Holy Spirit, the Gentle Spirit,
Oh, Holy Spirit, the Refresher, the Renewer,

As I look back at my life and into my life,
My heart overwhelms with joy and gratitude to You!
For inspiring me to keep repenting over my sins,
For for strengthening me to keep coming back,

I thank you for helping "to come to (my) senses"
I thank you for guiding me to keep returning,
I thank you for inspiring me with positive thoughts.
I thank you for encouraging me to get up when I fall!

I pray to keep on recognizing the intuitions you give me
And follow them and practise them in my daily life.
I pray I don't grow cold or callous to your vibrations.
I pray that I feel the joy of your presence in my life.

Dear Lord of Resurrection and of Ascension,
Thank you for gifting me with your Holy Spirit.
Help me to remember the many gifts of the Spirit
That I have been given since the moment of my birth,
Help me to keep remembering: these Gifts of the Spirit
Are for striving after the "abundance of life"
For myself and for my fellow humans coming into my life. May I keep reminding myself:
Even if I have "tongues of men or of angels",
Even if I have all other Gifts of the Spirit,
If I don't have the genuine Love,
"I am nothing...I gain nothing."

The memories of the Solemn Gregorian Chant,  
"Veni Creator Spiritus..... "Come Holy Spirit"....
keeps coming to my mind.
It was forty plus years ago.....
The memories of my Ordination keep coming..
It was a cool Thursday evening of a 23rd October.
Though  I was a bit nervous,
I was all set to be ordained a priest of the Lord.
Clad in a deacon's alb and stole,
There I laid myself in prostration...
In the Sanctuary...
in the presence of the Presiding Bishop.
The Seminary Choir Solemnly started chanting the hymn "Veni Creator Spiritus .... (Come Holy Spirit..")
Though tense, I never prayed so fervently as I did then.
I prayed for your constant presence and guidance
In my little life as a priest of the Lord.
You did hear my prayer..
And you had been present constantly in my life,
Though I kept failing often to recognize it....
Oh, the Tongues of Fire,
I continue to plead and pray:
That you continue to be with me in every pace of my Pilgrimage, the Pilgrimage of a Prodigal Priest's home coming, though at a snail's speed!

My Lord and My God!
I want to spend some time in silence,
in your presence..
and feel the "gentle breeze"
as well as the "Tongues  of Fire"..
of the Spirit permeating all over my being..
And I want to be keep on humming silently...

"Veni Creátor Spíritus,
Mentes tuórum vísita:
Implesupérna grátia
Quae tu creásti péctora.

Qui díceris Paráclitus,
Altísimi dónum Dei,
Fons vivus, ignis, cáritas,
Et spiritális únctio.

Tu septifórmis múnere,
Digitus paténae déxterae,
Tu rite promíssum patris,
Sermóne ditans gútera.

Accénde lumen sénsibus,
Infundeamórem córdibus,
Infírma nostri córporis
Virtúte fírmans pérpeti.

Hóstem repéllas lóngius,
Pacémque dones prótinus:
Ductóre sic te práevio,
Vitémus omne nóxium.

Per te sciámus da Patrem,
Noscámus atque Fílium
Teque utriúsque Spíritum
Credámus omni témpore.

Deo Patri sit glória,
Et Fílio, que a mórtuis
Surréxit, ac Paráclito,
In saeculórum sáecula.

English translation of
Veni Creator Spiritus
Come, Holy Ghost

"Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
and in our hearts take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid,
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O Comforter, to Thee we cry,
Thou heav'nly gift of God most high,
Thou Fount of life, and Fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

O Finger of the hand divine,
the sevenfold gifts of grace are thine;
true promise of the Father thou,
who dost the tongue with power endow.

Thy light to every sense impart,
and shed thy love in every heart;
thine own unfailing might supply
to strengthen our infirmity.

Drive far away our ghostly foe,
and thine abiding peace bestow;
if thou be our preventing Guide,
no evil can our steps betide.

Praise we the Father and the Son
and Holy Spirit with them One;
and may the Son on us bestow
the gifts that from the Spirit flow.".

Thursday, 21st May, 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of the journaling of a 'Prodigal Priest' on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father.
You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

42 My Monologues with the Lord of Resurrection - Ascension

42 My Monologues with the:
Lord of Resurrection - Ascension.

Dear Lord of the Resurrection - Ascension,
It has been forty days since the Celebration of  your Resurrection, right?
Within the span of these forty days you have been: 
Appearing several times to your disciples,
Correcting Mary Magdalene  as she mistook you for a Gardner,
Telling them you are not a ghost,
Wishing them Peace,
Explaining the Scriptures to them,
Breaking the bread with them at Emmaus,
Granting the wishes of Thomas,
Having breakfast with your disciples,
Breathing the Holy Spirit upon them,
Giving them the power to forgive sins,
And being very, very patient with them.
You felt they don't need any more to be chaperones. 
Finally you decided the time has come,
For you to ascend to your Father.
And send the Holy Spirit to strengthen them.

Dear Lord of the Resurrection - Ascension,
Your unlimited patience with your disciples keeps on amazing me!
Despite the fact they were not the ideal disciples,
Despite the fact they disappointed you in many ways,
Despite the fact they fought among themselves,
Despite the fact one of them betrayed you,
Despite the fact they abandoned you as you were being arrested,
Despite the fact Peter, your hand picked,  disowned you.  
Despite the fact none of them accompanied you on your Way of the Cross,
Despite the fact initially they didn't believe in your  Resurrection,
Despite all these,
You were steadfast in your love for them.
You never gave up on them.
You never despised them.
You never made them feel miserable.
You had been hopeful of them.
You were optimistic of them.

Dear Lord of the Resurrection - Ascension,
Through your Ascension:
You gave them space:
Space to try to face themselves in their brokenness,
Space to try to prepare themselves to face the world outside.
Space to try to stand on their own feet,
Space to try to be able to fend for themselves,
Space to try to hope and wait for the promised Paraclete, 
Space to try to learn to brace themselves a hostile world outside,
Space to grow in courage,
Space to grow in conviction,
Space to grow in faith in your Resurrection.

Dear Lord of the Resurrection - Ascension,
As I look at me and look into myself,
I have often been worse than your disciples.
Eversince the attainment of age of reason, i.e,
Some sixty or so years ago onwards.
I have often been over ambitious, like your disciples.
I have often been overconfident, like your disciples.
I have often been a creep, like your disciples.
I have often been timid, like your disciples.
I have often abandoned you, like your disciples.
I have often disowned you, like your disciples.
I have often betrayed you for selfish reasons.
I have often been greedy for money like your disciples.
I have often been unbelieving like your disciples.

Dear Lord of Resurrection - Ascension,
All along these years you didn't abandon me.
Thank you, my Risen Lord!
All along these years you didn't give up on me.
Thank you, my Risen Lord!
All along these years you didn't write me off.
Thank you, my Risen Lord!
All along these years, you have been waiting for me.
Thank you my Risen Lord!
All along these years, you have been hoping in me.
Thank you, my Risen Lord!
All along these years you have been wanting me to grow.
Thank you, my Risen Lord!
All these years you have been helping me to keep on resurrecting everyday.
Thank you, my Risen  Lord!
All these years you have been waiting for me to get ready for making my ascension with you.
Thank you, my Risen Lord!

Dear Lord of Resurrection - Ascension,
In hindsight:
You know I have grown a bit. 
You know I have made some progress.
You know I have been trying to free myself from unbridled ambition.
Thank you for:
Being patient with me.
Thank you for, 
Standing by me.
Thank you for, 
Hoping in me.
Thank you for, 
Keep loving me!
It gives me the
energy to go on and on
Until I am ready to ascend with you!

Dear Lord of Resurrection - Ascension
I want to spend some time:
in silence,
in your presence:
Wondering at your Immense Patience with me,
Relishing on the Unconditional Love for me,
Marvelling at your constant Hope in me,
Renewing my resolve to get ready to ascend with you when come!
Thank you, my Risen Lord of Love!
Thursday, 14th May,  2015
On the Day of Ascension


My Monologues

Dear Reader,
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological explanations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal Priest's' journaling on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father.
You are welcome to share them.
Dear Reader, I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

I plan on uploading a Reflection each on 7th, 14th, 21st, and on the 28th of every month.
Thank you!