Thursday, 31 December 2015

127 My Monologues & Musings : Thank You, Oh, God, for the Year 2015

127 My Monologues & Musings :  Thank You, God! for the Year 2015

Oh, My Loving God, My Creator and Sustainer,

Thank you, Lord, for the Year 2015.
Thank you, Lord for keeping me safe.
Thank you, Lord, for every blessing,
Blessings that are big and small!

Thank you, Lord, for keep loving me,
With your enduring and steadfast love.
Thank you for keep loving me,
Despite my disappointing behaviours.

Thank you, Lord, for keep loving me,
In spite of misusing the unique gift of time.
Thank you, Lord, for keep loving,
Despite not making use of Opportunities.

Thank you, Lord, for your limitless patience,
Even when I repeatedly ran away from you.
Even when I often ran after my selfish plans
Even when I committed the same mistakes.

Thank you, for your unfading hope in me.
Even when I myself gave up hope to grow.
Thank you, for your unconditional love
Even when I had conditional love for you!

Oh, my Loving God, let me pray with David,
“Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
You turn people back to dust,
saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.”
A thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night
Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Relent, Lord! How long will it be?
Have compassion on your servants.
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
May your deeds be shown to your servants,
your splendor to their children.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.” (parts of PS. 90)

Oh, my  Triune God,
my Creator,
my Sustainer,
my Deliverer,
my Comforter,
You keep calling me a blessing as you did call Abraham.
In fact, in your eyes, every human is a blessing, right?
As you know fully well I have had my own plans!
I have misinterpreted them as your plans for me.
Thus I have made mistakes big and small.
Thank you! my God my Creator!
Thank you for creating me in your image and likeness and bringing me into this world through my parents!
Thank you, for seeing me through 2015.

Oh, God of time and seasons,
At the end of the year
I keep asking myself:
How often have i been a Dictator of times?
Dictating times and opportunities
To dance to my Selfish tunes.
I keep asking myself:
How rare have i been a tutor of times?
When I tried to learn from my mistakes.
May a times all through 2015
I have been a dictating my plans and needs.
Rather than tutoring myself to learn.

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you
for keep loving me,
for keep saving me,
for keep forgiving me,
for keep forbearing with me,
for keep giving me yet another birthday!

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
Thank you for my parents, through whom
I was brought into the world.
My dear parents,
Thank you my loving mother and father,
thank you for cooperating with the Creator and bringing forth into this world!
Thank for your love!
Thank you for offering your lives for me!
I consider my myself a blessing!
I want to keep trying to be as worthy as possible of being a blessing in the eyes of my Creator and in your eyes as well.
Thank you!
And I want to keep trying
myself to be a blessing you are proud of.
Oh, my God, my Creator,
I want to spend the rest of my life singing your blessings, your manifold blessings you had been showering on me!
'Bless the Lord my soul!'
Thursday, 31st December 2015

Dear Reader,
These Reflections  are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my journaling as a Prodigal Priest trying to make my pilgrimage back to the Home of our Heavenly Father. As I keep holding you in my prayers and I request you to include me in yours.

Monday, 28 December 2015

126 My Monologues & Musings : King Herod the Cruel Killer of the Innocent Babes

126 My Monologues and Musings : the King Herod : the Cruel Killer of the Innocent Babes

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
When the Blessed Babe of Bethlehem was born you must have already crossed seventy and must have been a king for more than thirty years, right?
Besides the enormous landed property and wealth your father had amassed, on your own, you had acquired much wealth, power, position, and pelf.
Your unbounded ambition,
Your astute political wheelings and dealings along with your seemingly untiring hard work helped you to become the governor of Galilee at the age of twenty five!
No small an achievement to be sneezed at, right?

Oh, Mighty King Herod,
Through your sheer military and political skills, you became the King of Jews at the age of thirty seven.
You did expand and enlarge the territory of your kingdom more than twice the size of Kingdom of Judah which you had inherited.
You worked hard to usher in relative peace and prosperity thought out your Kingdom.
You built a safe sea-port at Caesarea.
You erected mighty fortresses like Fort Masada, Antonia Fortress in Jerusalem to control the crowd, to put down possible rebellions, and to expel the enemies who may dare to attack.
You constructed magnificent palaces all across your land.
You patronized sports and became the president of the Olympic Games!
You did rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, enlarged it, beautified it beyond compare and widened its premises into an area of about 35 acres of land.

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
You were a war veteran and had a very powerful, ever ready, ruthless army at your command assisted by the Romans.
Hardly was there any king or ruler around your neighborhood who could neither pose a threat nor throw a challenge to your royal throne and to your position, right?  
Your marriage alliances with  a number of neighboring kingdoms and royal families made sure that they would not rise up against you.
Besides, as long as, you kept the Caesars of Rome in good humor which you had been doing so successfully and tactfully, you didn't have to worry about any threat to your throne.

You claimed to be the Patron of the pagans and the Protector of the Jews.
In every way, you made your throne secure and your life luxurious.

You were a success story, indeed!

Oh, Mighty King Herod,
despite all these marvellous achievements:

How could you ever feel challenged by an innocent and helpless newborn Babe?
How could you, ever feel threatened by a Babe born in nearby Bethlehem?

Oh, Mighty  King Herod,
Isn't it ironic that a mighty king as yourself was worried about a newborn weakling Babe, born somewhere in Bethlehem?
How could you ever think of this newborn Babe as a threat?
It would have taken at least a quarter of a century for the newborn Babe even to appear as a challenge to you, right?
There was no rhyme or reason for your fear!
It was unfounded, unreal, and exaggerated!

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
The Babe was neither born into a family of powerful warlord chieftain as you did.
Nor was the Babe born into a rival royal ruling class.
Unlike your father Antipater who was a self made Idumean warlord chieftain, the newborn Babe had no such military family background.
Yet, how could you be so dead scared of the newborn Babe of Bethlehem?

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
Did you have any inkling in your innermost  recesses of  your being of anything extraordinary about the Babe of Bethlehem,
so as to scare you into panic?
Did you feel any vibes about some sort of a foreboding mysteriousness about the newborn Babe?
Did you fantasize at least for a fraction of a second whether the newborn Babe could be some sort of a divine being?
Were you obsessed with an apparent threat by the newborn Babe?
Or, were you just paranoid?

Oh, Mighty King Herod,
Whatever might have been the reasons for your obsession with an imaginary threat, you took it real serious, or else you would never ever have ordered the wild, violent, and spine chilling, macabre massacre of those innocent babies in and around Bethlehem, right?

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
How could you bring yourself to perpetrate such a gruesome act of gross Infanticide?
Did you have a morbid mind and a monstrous will to maximize your sadistic pleasure of the worst kind?
It seems you were constantly haunted by unfounded fear,weren't you?
Remember, how exaggerated was your suspicions of your wife, Mariamne, plotting against you and doubting her sincerity and allegiance to you?
Though you had professed several times your love for her, you had no qualms of conscience to plot and have her killed,right?
Remember, how gruesomely you murdered her after having made love to her and after having sex with her on the previous night?
And then you wept in depression!
Pathetic Indeed! Sick you are!

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
Remember, years ago, as a young adventurous king you put away Doris, your first wife, as you desired to have Mariamne, the beautiful Hasmonean princess, never ever you did imagine that someday you would be mercilessly murdering her!
How evil can be the schemings of our human mind!
How paranoid you must have been to have murdered two your sons born of her, her own mother, her grandfather, that is, your mother-in-law!

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
You have had as many as ten wives and fourteen children.
And at least two of your wives and two of your sons had met with calculated and cold blooded murder, weren't they?
Your paranoid and the exaggerated threat to yourself appeared so real to you, Right?
All that mattered to you was your own,
Egocentric Ego, right?
Sad Indeed!

Oh, Mighty King Herod,
On the one hand, you were a dazzling success in terms of military conquests, territorial expansion, enlarging and beautifying the Temple, constructing Palaces, and putting up Fortresses.
Your unbounded ambition and sheer force of your will power helped  you to accomplish the above successful achievements.

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
On the other hand your family life and personal relationships were marred by jealousy, envy, intrigues, suspicion, and paranoia, which ended up in heinous crimes of  torture, murder, unjust imprisonment and banishment.

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
You are a paradox!
You are an enigma!
You are a riddle!
So am I !
Well, many a times, that's very true of Me too!

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
The more senior a king you became the less saner a person you ended up to be, right?

As the Babe of Bethlehem was born,
you, Oh, the Mighty King were dying, dying of various diseases of both body and mind, right?

As the New Light of Life was lit by the Babe,
the Flame of death, destruction and corruption  fanned by you was being put out, right?

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
As they say, the last phase of your life was plagued by sickness of all sorts.
You were afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, as well as venereal diseases.  
You were mentally confused,  
You were paranoid with unfounded fears,
You had bouts of depression,
You had frequent flaring up of rage.
You became a bitter lonely loony man!
You even attempted to commit suicide!

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
Your last days were spent in Herodium near Bethlehem a place you had prepared in advance.The top crest of a hill was chopped off and excavated  inside and took the mud out from the center and then  built  inside a fortified Palace and a tomb for you.

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
As they say, one of the main causes of your delusion and paranoia was your almost innate feeling of being an inferior Jew, or a half Jew at best.
You were constantly aware of the fact that your father was never a born Jew,  but a converted Idumean Jew! Once upon a time, the neighboring Idumeans were forcefully converted into Judaism.
So the upper class Jews as well as the priestly classes neither accepted you as a pure bred nor respected you.
On the contrary, they held you in contempt.
They had total a disregard for you and only pretended to be respectful towards you as they were scared of you.

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
The validation you craved for and the recognition you sought after, never came by! You knew fully well that they were waiting to celebrate your death.  
To avoid that, around seventy religious leaders who were opposed you, had been  imprisoned and were to be executed the moment you die. The Jews would rather mourn the massacre of these elderly religious men rather than celebrate your death!
Strange indeed!
Oh, boy,  if these records were correct,  
Oh, Mighty  King Herod,  your sick mind saw to it that besides slaughtering the Innocent Infants, the orthodox elders and  priests were also massacred by your evil designs!
Sad Indeed!

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
I have been very harsh in tearing you apart and exposing the inborn contradictions in you.
I keep on asking myself as to why does the mere thought of you ignite so much of repulsive and revulsive feelings in Me?

Oh,  Mighty King Herod,
I do identify a  Miniature, Midget version of a Mighty King Herod very much alive in Me!
He acts up often and plays havoc in my life.
And at times he gets out of my control causing much harm to myself and to many others around  Me!

Oh,  Blessed  Babe of Bethlehem,
Help me to be constantly aware of the presence of:
A Miniature  Midget  of a Mighty  Herod in Me!
In a sense:
I have been often an assassin like King Herod.
There have been times when I engaged myself
in the cruel Acts of Character Assassinations!
I have done it:
as a sibling,
as a student,
as a seminarian,
as a young priest,
and I continue doing it even as a senior priest!
I have cut many of my companions, co-workers, confreres, seniors, superiors, and many others,
I have cut them to seize
with Character Assassinations!
just because I saw in them either an unreal or of an exaggerated threat to my Selfish Ego!  

In hindsight, I have had even some of my so called accomplishments and achievements,  be it academic or pastoral, I have done it just to give a boost to my Ego and get validation and recognition for my Ego!

I am afraid, I have  been carrying
a  version of a 'Herod the Small' in me!

Oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
I want to admit and acknowledge the presence of the 'Herod  the Small' in me.
I want to be constantly aware of his presence in me.
I want to keep cutting him to seize and some day, I want to rout him and root him out of my life.
Until I succeed in uprooting him and banish him out of myself...
I will keep trying and trying, until I succeed!
And with hard work coupled with your help, Succeed,  I shall!

Oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
I want to remain some time in Silence,
Gazing at you with my glazed eyes!

Monday, December, 28, 2015

Dear Reader,
Wish you a very
Happy and Peace Filled and Prosperous New Year!
These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any highly theological speculations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, 'Prodigal  Priest's' journaling on my Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father. 

125 My Monologues & Musings : Holy Family of Nazareth

125 My Monologues & Musings :
The Holy Family of Nazareth
Dear Blessed Mother, St. Joseph,

Today, the First Sunday after Christmas is being observed as the Feast of the Holy Family.
As a boy  I always thought of your Family:
As a privileged family with the Divine Child,
As a family with no problems,
As a family with halos around,
As a  hazzel free family.
Yet as I learned more about your family it has been revealing to know of the series of problems starting plot of Herod, the flight to Egypt and returning to Nazareth via a different rout.
I always thought those who try to live a holy and upright life will have no problems or have at most very few problems.
Well, I need to keep reminding myself of the fact that problems are an essntial part of human lives.
Oh, dear Blessed Mother, St. Joseph,
Thank you for being the Real Model of example of living faith and endurance.
I bring before you all the families having problems of every sort.
May they find strength and courage, faith and endurance to face their problems and solve them if possible and accept those problems which seemingly insurmountable!
May every family find inspiration from your family.
Oh,  Jesus, My Lord and My God,
I thank you for my family of origin.
I thank you for the enduring faith of my parents!
I gratefully acknowledge the self giving spirit of my parents!
Bless them, Lord,  with Eternal Rest!

Oh, Jesus, My Lord and My God,
I thank you for the:
Unsolicited gift of life for me!
Uncountableblessings for me!
Unlimited Patience with me!
Untold Forgiveness for me!
Unflinching faith in me!
Unfailing Hope in me!
Unconditional Love of me!
Sunday, 27th December, 2015

Thursday, 24 December 2015

124 My Monologues & Musings : Oh, Baby Jesus, Happy Birthday to you!

124 My Monologues  & Musings: Oh, Baby Jesus, Happy Birthday to you!
(Lk 2)

Oh, the Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
The cute little Adorable Prince,
Happy Birthday to you, Oh, Holy Infant!
You are an Adorable Prince of Peace indeed!

As you know, ages ago,
About Two thousand plus years ago,
Your parents started a long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, right?
They had to cover a pretty good distance of about a hundred and forty or so kilometers/around eighty miles of dusty and dangerous roads.
Normally, it takes three to four days to cover the distance. But you parents must have taken about twelve or so days as your Mom was nine month pregnant with you.  It must have been a very tedious, trying trip.

Oh, the Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
They were not just two of them travelling.
As they set out, they had you along with them, you were with them, don't you remember?
Oh, Blessed Babe, you were comfortably cosying right with your Mom in the most natural and warm, 'Baby Sleeping Bag' which the Creator had gifted your Mom the moment she was formed and fashioned by Him.

How loving is our Creator!
How farsighted is our Maker!
How caring our Moms are!
How blessed are we, to have them both!
Oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
How honoured are we!
To have you as one of us!

Oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
Finally, after days of tedious trip,
there you were!
at the outskirts of the ancient and tiny royal city of Bethlehem!
On a cold and crisp December Night lit with
Twinkling Stars in the skies above the ancient tiny little city of Bethlehem.
You along with your Mom and Foster Father, were at the outskirts of the tiny city of Bethlehem.
Oh, boy, Oh, boy! the moment you heard your Foster Father telling your almost exhausted Mom something like,
"there we are!  That's Bethlehem..
We will be there in a short time.."
Oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
hearing it, you too got all  excited,
Didn't you?
You might have started pressing and pushing your Mom to let you peep out..
As she was feeling your push...
and she must have have been very worried
and might have told your Foster Father to hurry up to find a room as you could, at any moment, be born!"

The tiny city was packed with residents,  travellers and pilgrims, its narrow streets and lanes were humming with noisy nightlife.
From house to house he went,  
From door to door, he knocked..

No rooms..
No place in the Inn...

Your Foster Father was frantic...
failing to find a the privacy of room
for you to be born, he was terrified!
Finally, he could find only a stable
as a quiet and convenient place..
and hurried he did, huddling your Mom and
ushered her to the stable which was turned
into a makeshift 'labour room.'
As the story goes, your Foster Father sought and got a midwife helper to assist your Mom, right?

Waiting patiently, praying fervently,
finally your Foster Father smiled as he heard
the cry of a newborn!
"It's a Boy!"
Sure, your Mom and Foster Father knew
already nine months ago,
that you would be a Baby Boy!
They were thrilled to see you face to face for the first time!

Oh Babe of Bethlehem!
Oh, Emmanuel, finally you did arrive!
Oh, Prince of Peace! at last, you are born!

Your Mom wrapped you in swaddling clothes and huddled you closed to her.
And both of you slipped into a peaceful nap. As your Foster Father heaving a sigh of relief,
He sat with glazed eyes watching you both.

Up from High Heavens there descended
the soothing Sound of Heavenly Silence!
Indeed, it was,
"Silent Night.... Holy Night!"

Oh,  Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
Let me take peek of you!
Let me glance your serenely smiling face!
How could you ever be a helpless infant baby!
How could you ever be born a mortal like us!  
How could you ever be born so pauper poor!
How could you ever be hiding your Divine Nature, oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem!

Oh, Blessed Babe of Bethlehem,
We humans shall never know the depth of Your love for us!  
A love that is Inexhaustible!
A love so Unconditional, Unrequited, Unending!
Oh Emmanuel! Oh, Emmanuel!
I bow before Thee, Oh, Babe of Bethlehem,
I bow before Thee, Oh, Emmanuel!
In Silence, in Wonder, in Joy, and
in Thanksgiving!
I bow before Thee, Oh,  Babe of Bethlehem!

Dear Reader,  Wish you and your loved ones
A very Blessed and Merry Christmas!
May the Peace, the Joy, and the Simplicity of the Babe of Bethlehem, of the Emmanuel
Be yours to experience and relish every day!
Gloria in Excelsis Deo !!!!!!!

Friday, 25th December 2015

These Reflections are neither pure scientific exegesis nor are they any theological speculations. They are my devotional meditations mainly meant for my personal renewal and spiritual growth. They are a part of my, a Prodigal Priest's, journaling on my way of the Pilgrimage to the Home of our Heavenly Father.